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Pet is the best encouragement when you feel that you can't take it anymore. Pet I like is dog, cat, hamster, bunny, etc that tiny and fluffy.

Well, it don't have to be pet, just cute is OK. It can be lion or snake. Anyway because it can heal my heart and made my heart melts, so I like them

Pets ​
I start to drawed seriously when I'm 14 years. It's fun to relay what I think on those paper, and I love all of them. Well, I tell you about me cursory :D

At the start, I only draw for fun, I draw me and my friends moment and show it to them. Well, because I just start drawing, those draw would be a really, really bad. But I can do it all day like nothing can stop me. So that was a precious moment.

last years ago I got bored on drawing. I'm 'art blocked'​, I can't draw and be fun with them like when I'm started. I always think about 'How should I draw so it wouldn't be wierd?' all the time I draw, and that make I can't docus on them and stop to darw for a while.

But now I think it just my hobby, why do I have to be stress on them? Hobby make me feel comforted, I don't have to be too serious, it will be bad for me anyway.


Adobe photoshop

Adobe flash


A little bit coding

Making game






I LOVE COMPUTER AND COMPUTER SUBJECT, um, except subject about website, I hate making website because I don't want to remember those code. But coding and programming are exception.

I don't know why, but something that about computer I'll think that it easy to understand. I love to learning about them.

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